Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Lawyer

Release Date:

 18 March 2011
Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei, Ryan Phillipe, and William H. Macy

3.5/5 stars

Before i start this review let me start by saying that I DESPISE Matthew McConaughey. His SoCal Surfer dude/cool guy attitude just doesn't do it for me. True he has had some movies that weren't totally awful but for the most part the guy just makes me want to vomit blood. So going into this movie I was prepared to hate it and write it off as another McConaughey "Look at me with my shirt off, I'm a tuff guy movie". That preconception didn't turn out to be completely off the mark, this is just one of the few times where it actually works. 

In the movie McConaughey (Mick Haller)plays a high dollar defense attorney who works for the scum of the earth to get them out of trouble. For the most part he believes that he is doing the right thing and sleeps at night knowing that he makes the justice system work for everyone. Enter Louis Roulet (Phillipe). He is a typical snobby ivy league frat boy who is accused of beating the hell out of a woman he followed home from a bar. Despite his lawyers best thoughts, he insists on going straight to trial because he is innocent and has nothing to hide. 

William H. Macy Frank Levin plays Haller's right hand man and private investigator who is sent to investigate the evidence for his cases. Things start to fall apart when Levin is murdered while investigating the background for Roulet and finds some interesting evidence. From there it is a whirlwind of drama, suspense, and a lot of McConaughey machismo. 

The one part of the film that i found kind of weak was the back story for Haller, if you can call it that. Marisa Tomei plays Haller's ex-something. It is never explained whether or not they were married, friends with benefits, or in a meaningful relationship. It is pretty clear that Tomei was put in the film purely as eye candy and to use her child as a plot point which is actually never used or exploited except for very briefly. Tomei can be quite the actress given the chance so this weak character does her no justice. She does look good doing it, and is adequate in the scenes that she is in. 

The acting in the film is all about what you expect from the people involved. Tomei is steamy and sexy as always,  Macy is his normal offbeat hippie self, and MCConaughey is a little less annoying than usual. The real star of the film however is the script. It is an extremely well written script with a few plot holes but nothing to write home about. It will keep you on the edge of your seat for most of the film and takes you for quite a ride. 


  1. I haven't seen it yet but I'm definitely with you on McConaughey to date. It would be interesting to see him do something that required acting for a change, instead of type casting.

  2. Your review is just in time. We have this from Netflix and will be watching it tomorrow night...I'll pay attention to what you said and see what I think....
    Came over from your mother's blog site.
